Picture Perfect This Christmas

17 Oct , 2019

We thought we’d look into exactly how to get the best out of social media this Christmas and give you a list of some the things you should be looking out for during the festive season, as well as some of the things you should be avoiding.

When it comes to looking for inspiration, social media is has a wealth of information at your disposal. If you are wanting some picture perfect ideas, then Pinterest is often the first place you should be looking. There are a wide range of arts and crafts pages which can provide you with a whole host of creative and often quite out of the box options for festive decorations. Pinterest will often reveal the biggest trends at Christmas so you can keep up to date with the latest ideas, such as zero waste gift wraps or upcycled ornaments.

Instagram is another good source of information, and you can easily search the latest trending hashtags to narrow down your search, whilst you can also carry out online shopping. In fact, last Christmas, people aged 17-22 shopped more through Instagram and Snapchat than any other digital platform. However, we think it is important to take a break from social media when it actually comes round to Christmas.

While looking for online inspiration is perfectly acceptable, comparing your Christmas tree to the perfect examples posted on Instagram might leave you wanting. It is difficult to get away from the constant onslaught of information and switching off during the holidays is paramount if you’re to fully enjoy the Christmas season. We think that you should make sure that you are spending quality time with your family and not let social media take over your holiday. Forget phones off at the table, try turning your phones off for the day!

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